Thursday, December 31, 2009

Astrology and Personal Power

How to Develop Personal Power Easily With Astrology

There is a very spiritual and esoteric side of astrology that is not well known to the general public. Much knowledge has been channeled down in the past century and those that want to find answers to secrets that have been hidden for ages can.

It is common knowledge with astrologers that there is no coincidence between the discovery of planets and the conscious development of the human race. Planets have been discovered as the scientific instruments have developed, yet many spiritual astrologers will tell you that the planets did not want to be discovered until humanity was ready to incorporate the essence of what they have to bring. We can see the sun, moon, Venus, mercury, mars, Jupiter and Saturn with the naked eye. As Uranus, Neptune, Pluto were unveiled so was the corresponding principles brought forth in humanity.

Pluto as that body in the sky brings to us a magical and mystical side of manifestation. Great spiritual beings can move into other realms, time travel, create a gold ring out of thin air, heal the sick and more. It is possible to tap into the power and mystery of Pluto.

What is personal power? Personal power has several definitions yet one is the ability to call forth the power that you want and need to accomplish whatever you set your mind to.

Power is under the domain of Pluto. Individuals who were born with a strong Pluto have an easier time in manifesting what they want if they have become conscious of this energy within, If they are not conscious of it, they will find struggles with others a constant theme in their lives.

Yet even if Pluto is not strong in your chart, you can consciously pull in the energy of Pluto and learn how to focus it towards your goals.

You will need a simple astrology calculation program. Next you will need to know the position and placement of Pluto in your natal chart. There will be 8 times each day that you will be able to tap into Pluto and channel the power and gift from that planet. When Pluto is rising, which means it is on the ascendant, when Pluto is on the mid heaven, setting, on the descendent and on the IC, the fourth house cusp. Then again all these positions are at the degree of your natal Pluto. For example, if transiting Pluto is at 4 degrees of Capricorn, you will want to find out when it will rise, be at the mid heaven, set, and at the IC. You will do this using your astrology program. Second set of times, will be the degree of your natal Pluto, if your natal Pluto is 2 degrees Libra, find out at what times of the day 2 degrees Libra is rising, on the mid heaven, setting and the IC. These times will give you several to choose from, the preference would be for transiting Pluto rising.

At that time sit quietly, focus within, breathe deep, and with each breath feel enormous power enter into your body through your third eye. Pull the power in, to the center of your brain, then let it follow permeate the cells of your brain, then through the body.

Practicing this meditation will infuse you with the power that Pluto carries and you will be able to then use your focus to visualize and use conscious meditation to receive answers and ideas that you need to have what you want in life.

Astrologers know secrets of astrology; learn astrology and you too can be your own astrologer.


Check out New Year

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Astrologer Alert Mercury is Retrograde

Usually when your astrologer says Mercury is retrograde you think of computer and car problems, this time Mercury retro is connect with relationships, so even though there still can be mishaps with computers and commuters, take a look at what needs to be rethought about your relationships in your life.
Mercury moves retrograde three times every year (on average) for about three weeks at a time. This is a time in astrology when astrologers tell you to catch up with all the little details that have been scattered in your life. In essence when you get in touch with astrology you will go with the flow of life and learn how to listen to the messages from the planets. The message from Mercury retrograde is: Do not start additional projects; complete what you have been working on for the past three months. Also it is not the best time to purchase anything new or major; use what you have, repair or get rid of items in your home and office that no longer work or no longer are useful to your present needs.
Mercury is retrograde from the sign of Libra and stations direct in Virgo; which is one of the signs that mercury rules, the other being Gemini. This retrograde will be a precursor of events to come and our intuitive guide for the major shift happening October 29th when Saturn moves into Libra. (An event that happens ever 28 years)
Astrology is a complex subject and one of the secrets to learn astrology and become an excellent astrologer is to interpret each retrograde separately with the astrology chart for the time of the retrograde. September 7th at 12:45am EDT Mercury stations and retrogrades; cast an astrology chart for this time for where you are living or use the location of the capitol for the country you live in.
The chart placed in Washington DC gives the ascendant zero degrees of Cancer. This is a very sensitive degree in astrology. Pluto is at 0 degrees Capricorn conjunct the 7th house cusp, the line of other people. Further Mercury is square Mars in the first house indicating aggressive communication. The communication of Mercury in Libra want to be nice and fair, and Mars in Cancer can be passive aggressive, so expect mixed signal and messages. When you feel uncomfortable or unsure of what someone is saying dig deeper to be very clear about what is expected. Mercury is moving from the sign of Libra to conjunct Saturn in Virgo. This signature is implying there will be a collective rethinking on serious issues in your personal life as well as rethinking issues in the government roles and work policies. It is indicating problems in Washington DC for the health care reform bill.
On a personal level it is important to ask: Where in your life do you side step issues because you want everything to be fine with no problems versus getting real about a problem and working hard at it? Are you afraid of saying the truth for fear of not looking good? Critical thinking is necessary to understand the nature of your relationships and to have people in your life that are right for you.
There are action steps to take for this Mercury retrograde. First and foremost is to catch up on loose ends, projects or promises that will help you achieve the goals you have. Recommit to personal health goals. Think about how you communicate with people you are in partnerships with. What is working in those partnerships and what is not quite right?
How can you have partnerships that are fair and balanced? Do you have that balance in your life? Are you fair to yourself when you talk to yourself and your mind is assessing all that you have done, want to do, and think you are supposed to do?
Astrology gives us another perspective on managing our lives productively. You don't need to be an astrologer to understand these ancient and time tested principles of stepping back, taking a deep breath, and allowing time to catch up with your busy life.
This mercury retrograde I challenge you to use these three weeks to get caught up in all areas of your life that have loose ends. Astrology will help you stay on track with your spiritual development and help you in unfolding your greatest talents to have the life you were meant to life.
Grab your free astrology 7 step lesson at Donna Page MS is an astrologer that promotes the ability to create the life you want faster and with ease by becoming in tune with the influence of the planets. She offers free reports on how the planets can impact you personally and globally.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Astrologer Speaks on Self Help

How to Use Astrology to Improve Your Life

One of the best methods of working with astrology is using the messages from the universe to improve your life. Many times when one is looking at an astrology chart it is easy to focus on the negative or more difficult planets. Yet if we get bogged down in the negative we can spend years simply keeping it together to plough through the tough times.

This is not to say that the difficult planets, Saturn and Pluto especially, do not present challenges, they certainly do create a myriad of problems to encounter, face, work through or let go and move on from. However it is in the realm of the positive influence that we can rise above the problems, find the solution that will transform the difficulties, and consciously find happiness even when circumstances do not warrant joy.

Focus on the helpful planets and where they are moving in your chart when you have difficult situations; whether it is money issues, relationship problems, health concerns or family tragedies. Learn which houses transiting Jupiter and Venus and your progressed moon are in your personal natal chart. The chart is divided into twelve houses, each house representing a different area of life. It is in the houses that Jupiter, Venus and the Moon are moving through that you will find opportunity for growth and happiness.

Jupiter brings opportunity and protection. If Jupiter is in your house of career, you are protected at work even if others are being laid off or fired. If you happen to be given the pink slip and you have Jupiter in the tenth, think of the attitude and beliefs you had about your work during the previous year, were you hoping for more time for yourself? Jupiter will bring you what you want and your new job could be the time you were telling yourself you needed to do your true vocation, whether it is to write the book, start a new business or many other ideas.

The Moon moving through the houses will tell you where you will benefit from for your emotional well being. If it is in the house of relationships then it is time to give and be with a significant other. During this passage you will find that connecting with compatible partnerships can provide you with warmth and contentment that you never expected in the past. If the moon is moving through the house of independence and self it is time to connect with who you are and reclaim where you feel you have lost your inner sense of authenticity.

Now is the time to protect your being through positive structures that will counteract negativity in your life and what you can be picking up and experiencing from the emotional climate in the worlds environment. Listen to your inner guidance system to hear where your own opportunities exist, then take action to put into motion that which you know you need to do.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Astrology Saturn In Libra Astrologers Get Ready For Love Questions

The astrology of Saturn in Libra suggests that relationships will feel pressure to change for the better or break apart. Astrologers interpret astrology charts and the planetary cycles inherent in the changing sky.

As in life there are cycles in astrology. Astrologers look at the shifts in the planetary patterns to help understand what changes will occur for humanity. Saturn entering into Libra is one such cycle that impacts our relationships and love life.
Saturn enters Libra October 29th 2009 at 1:09PM Eastern time and will stay in Libra until April 6th 2010 when it dips back into Virgo, then re enters Libra July 7th 2010 and will stay in Libra until October 5th 2012. In essence we have three years that spirit is asking us to focus on and put energy towards peace, fairness, and a well balanced life.
The astrology chart for the moment that Saturn steps over the boundaries from Virgo and enters Libra is a relatively strong chart. Saturn will be able to accomplish its task in Libra, which is to create harmonious relationships, break up relationships that are no longer useful or positive for you. You will become acutely aware of any relationship which is unfair and seek to balance the scales of equality and have peace and harmony in your life.
The planet that has the least amount of strength, and therefore will be thwarted the most will be Mercury. Mercury is in Scorpio traveling next to the Sun. Our ideas will be deep and intuitive yet not be able to come to fruition. You may come up with several concepts of what to do that will help your life, career, relationships. Various ideas and ways to make your future dreams come true enter your mind however the timing could be off and you may need to table your brilliance until other circumstances allow you to act upon them.
Astrologers use a term called mutual reception when planets are in the signs that each other rules. This is happening with Mars (in Leo) and the Sun (in Scorpio). Saturn in Libra's has a duty to reestablish harmony and balance in relationships and Mars has the force and the Sun provides the will to make it happen. These astrological symbols can indicate that your desire to have balance and harmony in your life is met with considerable opposition; that the will of another could be quite stubborn and have an agenda to keep the relationship the same.
Venus, the ruler of Libra, is also in Libra. This is emphasizing the Saturn in Libra purpose of establishing healthy partnerships and especially romantic relationships. It is common to hear more news of divorce as Saturn moves through Libra as it uncovers unhealthy patterns that have been ignored.
How can you use this astrology information? Know that for the next 3 years it will be very important to have the right relationships in your life. If you are in relationships that are not fair, unkind, or in general do not give you what your heart wants and needs this astrology cycle will severely challenge you. The good news is that you will be prompted to make changes so you have people in your life that you enjoy, appreciate, and love.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Astrologer.... messages from the stars

August 2009 is setting us up for major planetary shifts. The lunar eclipse is the last we will experience in Leo and Aquarius for another 9 years. If you haven’t been listening to your inner voice this month could give you the extra push needed to realign your life with your hearts desire. The lunar eclipse is on August 5th and the new moon in Leo is August 20th. Both the full moon and the new moon have strong connections with Neptune, the planet of esoteric knowledge, wisdom, creativity, confusion, meditation, and escapism. Learning to go to the other realms of psychic awareness and deep meditative states will be available for those who tune in to the message from the planets. Venus begins the month in Cancer and enters Leo on the 26th. For most of August it will be important to connect with your personal values around home and family. Nurture and care for your well being and those you love. When Venus shifts into Leo, just a week after the new moon, fun and creativity will find its way into your day to day life. Mars begins the month in Gemini and moves into Cancer the 25th. Mars in Gemini wants us to take action around ideas and communicate what is on our mind. Where will you benefit if you put some of your energy into learning and communicating efficiently to get your ideas across? The lunar eclipse on the 5th is at 8:55PM EDT just after sunset on the east coast for the USA. This powerful time beckons us to apply our esoteric knowledge and wisdom and tap into our inner magician. The new moon on the 20th at 6:01AM EDT is about connecting with our inner creativity. How can you unlock your creative genius and overcome obstacles that stand in the way? Mercury enters Virgo on August 2nd, making most of the month an excellent time to study, read and learn. On the 25th Mercury when enters Libra, it is already in its shadow and getting ready for the Mercury retrograde in September. Watch what comes up for you at this time; it will give you a look into how the upcoming transition of Saturn in Libra will impact your life. The Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, ushering in the vibration for Virgo with several planets ready to shift gears in the following week.

Aries: (March 21- April 19)
The new moon is in your houses of romance and the lunar eclipse is in the house of friends. Changes are likely to happen in the life of your friends, someone may move, get married or have a child. If you have children or have been thinking about having a child, your ideas about what you thought you wanted or expected to happen will shift. If you are an artist this is a time when you may be challenged to take on a roll or perform outside of your comfort zone. The universe is on your side to confront fears and take a leap of faith. Venus will be in your house of home for most of the month, you may purchase something of interest that makes your house more fun to be in. The internal battle between the inner child and the adult will struggle between the circumstances in life that keep you from not living your fantasy life.

Taurus: (April 20- May 20)
The new moon is in your solar house of home and family. Make changes in your home that you have been procrastinating. This is a great month to get rid of anything that you have been hanging onto that no longer fits who you are or what you represent. Family issues can come up to be dealt with, get outside support and help to give you a perspective you can’t see. Jupiter through your house of career and business can bring you something that you have been waiting for. Mars traveling through your solar house of finances can demand action around the budget. Dig deep and discover more of what you value, if it no longer seems to fit who you are now you will want to get rid of it and make room for something new.

Gemini: (May 21-June 21)
This could very well be one of the most interesting months of the year for you. Mars is in your sign of Gemini; circumstances that are unfair will prompt your to speak your mind. There will be a feeling of restlessness; be cautious when you are driving, an unwanted traffic ticket could be the result of impatience. The new moon is in your third house of communication, lots of interaction this month, Remember to find time to just chill. Laughter is the best medicine to counter ignorance and rigidity that appears in your world and in the periphery of your life.

Cancer: (June 22- July 22)
The new moon is in your house of self worth and money. New beginnings around the family budget can free you up. Venus is in your sign for most of the month and this will help you have the little things in life that bring you joy and pleasure. Speak up for what you want, with Mars, the planet of aggression in your solar twelve house, it is not good to keep your thoughts and feelings bottled up. Self defeating habits can become apparent and dealt with. New ways of communicating about how you think and feel help you stay centered and happy. Let go of old baggage and expectations of how others should be treating you and just move on.

Leo: (July 23- August 22)
The new moon on the 20th is the collective Leo birthday party. It is your time to have fun. Jupiter is traveling though your house of partners and you will have plenty of company to help you celebrate. Venus in Cancer is passing through your twelve house of hidden agendas. What is your hidden agenda in life? Do you act or do something in order to have something else? Mars is making its showing in the house of friendships. An aggressive or outspoken friend may be spending more time with you. Finances might have been under a cloud this last year and appeared bleak, not much longer, soon Saturn will pass out of your house of money and less thought and emphasis will be on how to pay for what you want.
Virgo: (August 23-September 22)
This is your time of year to step back and rejuvenate, take a few days off to be alone and think about the direction you want your life to go in. You may be happy with your current choices or you may find it needs an adjustment. Mars is traveling through your house of career which can bring competition with others in your field. If find yourself in a situation were you will be defending your actions just stay cool and don’t take it personal. This is your time to develop and work on your life from within. With Mercury in your sign for most of the month creative concepts come your way.

Libra: (September – October 23)
The new moon and the lunar eclipse want to bring in friends and possibly a new lover or at least more romance with the love you have. Sudden shifts of change can happen this month with your relationships; or you may just suddenly realize that it is time to make changes to have the love you want. Mars is moving through your house of beliefs and travel. Take action on travel plans, cut out limiting beliefs. Self defeating patterns are becoming apparent to you; why does a repetitive pattern happen in your life? Is it just fate or have you unknowingly been contributing to a pattern that you can’t wait to get rid of? Ask a trusted friend or advisor what they see that holds you back that you can’t quite figure out on your own.

Scorpio: (October 24-Noverber 21)
The new moon in your solar house of career sparks new opportunities for work. Listen to your gut about what is happening at the job. Be clear on who owes you what, Mars, the planet of fighting is in your house of other peoples money. You may have to speak up to get your money back from somewhere. Wherever you feel over extended, whether it is emotionally, financially, or physically, sit back and take time to nourish and replenish. Friends that have been missing come back into your life, and you can decide that some friends no longer bring you the connection you want. Plug up the leaks that are draining you financially and emotionally; whether they are from inefficient windows and toilets or family related emotional drains.

Sagittarius: (November 22- December 21)
The new moon beckons you to dream of freedom, travel and adventure. Your spirit awakens to an inner voice that is demanding truth. Mars in your house of others can reflect obstacles or conflict back to you. Look at any argument as a gift to go deeper and learn about a hidden side of yourself. Whatever beliefs that you have held for many years are ready to be disassembled and put back together in a new format. The direction you want your career to head in will be challenged from educational opportunities that you let pass. It is not too late; make the effort to keep up with what you need to know so you can be qualified for bigger and better positions.

Capricorn: (December 22- January 19)
The eclipse is happening in your eighth house of debt. If you have extended your finances the option of ignoring it will no longer be an alternative. Jupiter is dancing through your house of money so freedom in finances will be important. You will find yourself considering obtaining new qualifications that will further your career over the next year. Get the education you need but not at the expense of holding yourself back at a job opportunity. Dreams of being able to move to someplace more conducive to your temperament float into your mind. Why not live where you want to? Don’t wait until it is too late to make the move, sometimes it doesn’t get any easier than it is right now.

Aquarius: (January 20 – February 18)
The lunar eclipse is in the solar house of your life and that of your life partner. Do you have people in your world that support your dreams and ideals? Do your friends bring you joy? People may leave, others can show up. Saturn in your solar 8th house is asking you to pay special attention to your financial future, how are you handling debt? It is time to pay down debt and not accumulate any more. Your dreams and imagination are working in overdrive, be the master of your mind; do not let the mind chatter pull you off your path. With Jupiter moving in your first house of self and Mars through your fifth house of romance and children, bring fun and unbridled child like pleasure to your summer days.

Pisces: (February 19 – March 20)
The lunar eclipse is happening in your house of health and well being and the house of self undoing. How conscious are you of what is going on in your body? It may be time to get a base line of all your fundamental health scores so you can see where you are at. A well thought out time management program or book will greatly improve your life. Make the effort to have a daily regiment that supports your health, spiritual, and career goals. Continue to eliminate or alter relationships with those who no longer support you in your vision. Mars, the planet of aggression and action will be moving through your house of home and family. The people you live with may be voicing their discontent about issues that have been swept under the rug.

Friday, July 31, 2009


Astrology for the non astrologer. Learn astrology and be your own astrologer.

The lazy days of summer are in August, when the sun moves through Leo until the 23rd. Think of the royalty from days gone by, strolling the grounds of their summer palace while planning the weekend party. This is the time of year to relax and enjoy, in agrarian times the labor of planting the fields was finished late spring, the weeding has been done, now is the time of waiting for the fruits and vegetables to ripen before the harvest begins. You are the queen/king of your life; what do you want to enjoy for the simple pleasure of the moment? How can you take time in between the labor of planting and time of harvesting? What in your life needs time to ripen and can you be in the moment of allowing it to happen? An astrologer looks at retrograde planets. We begin the month with 5 planets retrograde; when several planets are retrograde any projects take longer than usual to come to fruition. Venus begins her retrograde motion in Virgo and will continue to be retrograde the month of August. Everything we love and value is up for scrutiny, It is time to reflect on what brings us joy. Mercury enters Leo on the 4th, bringing out the ability to toot your own horn, good for the resume but may be unwelcome if overboard bragging at a pool party. Astrologers love Jupiter. Jupiter stations direct on the 6th, when a planet is stationed it has tremendous power, link into the power of Jupiter with a meditation and ceremony around all your outrageous dreams and wishes. Mars moves into Gemini on the 7th and Venus into Leo on the 8th. Mars in Gemini gives us the opportunity to take on more than one project. You may be bored with your exercise routine and need to expand the possibilities, or exercise while listening to learning tapes. An astrologer would say that Venus retrograde can indicate love problems. Venus retrograding back into Leo from Virgo is the collective thought, “well now that I know what I don’t want, what will light me up and make me excited?” The new moon on the 12th is asking us to look closely at our world, look through the lies, and see what we know on a deep level is lurking but in our innocence and desire to have things the same would rather ignore. Friends you can count on become precious. Mercury zips into its own domain of Virgo on the 19th, giving more ease of accessing ideas, learning, and planning. The Sun moves into Virgo 8:08am EDT on the 23rd, time to start thinking about self development. The lunar eclipse on the 28th has Venus at the same degree as the Leo new moon, triggering news that uncovers financial difficulties in many companies that have been obscuring the truth. We may find the desire to change our thoughts and plans quickly and seek a new path of truth. This eclipse emphasizes service, compassion and devotion. How can you have more compassion and how will service towards a cause you believe in stretch you into reaching your own inner greatness?

Astrology for Aries: (March 21- April 19)
Your Astrologer says: Balancing work and play will be a tough one. Resentment or frustration may creep in at your job. Do you still enjoy your work? Are you being challenged? Have you become complacent about your job and find it a bother to make the changes you know would be good for you? Start exploring different possibilities for your future that would create a career that you would be happy and excited to be at every day. Friends that are meant to disappear out of your life could do so this month, they can never be replaced but new people will fill the void and offer a different way of completing you. Be patient with your love life, your romantic interest could be complicated and may not be the way you want it or expect it to be.
Taurus: (April 20- May 20)
Your Astrologer suggests that the energy that has been blocking your efforts is about to be released. If you have taken the time to lay the ground work for your new beginnings all will go well. Even though you may resist what you know you need to do, find your inner strength and power and do what will make you healthier, stronger, and more resilient to the unpredictable whims of the economy and job market. If you are over extended in your expenses, cut back. You may find problems with your home, whether financing, repairs, family or roommate. Take focused action on resolving the problem and what will bring peace and afterwards hand it over to spirit.
Gemini: (May 21-June 21)
What your astrologer would say is with Mars moving into your sign you will want what you want when you want it! Everyone else may be hanging out doing nothing but you will be best if you are on the move. Stay focused while driving, a distraction can result in a ticket from an ignored traffic signal. Speaking of signals, your lively communications and run ins with old friends and lovers may send out “I might be interested, tell me what you have to offer” signals. You could be tempted to over commit to friends and co workers, then find creative reasons why you cant do what you had hoped to. This is resolved by pulling out your calendar in the beginning of the month and seeing how many hours you want to donate before you even step out of the house or pick up the phone.
Cancer: (June 22- July 22)
Your Astrologer says: Unexpected expenses relating to family or home could unsettle you. Don’t worry; it will all work out in the long run. You may find your thoughts drifting towards what you can do to be happier. Effort in your spiritual development has high rewards this month. More layers of the old you fall away and underneath shines a being that is safe, secure, and trusts the universe and inner wisdom to bring everything you need on time. A lecture or workshop will capture your attention towards the end of the month, it is something that will enforce what you already know and add to your spiritual growth. Choose foods wisely, your body will be sensitive to food and drink that clogs you up and makes you sluggish.
Leo: (July 23- August 22)
Your Astrologer suggests It is the month that the king and queens of the zodiac to strut their stuff. Put on those party clothes and have a good time. The new moon in Leo on August 12th is your official collective birthday. With Saturn almost out of your sign this new moon is extra important to get out your treasure map and visualize what you want to create for your new life. Meditate on your life and acknowledge and give gratitude for what you want to keep, let go of what no longer fits, and see what you need to do to make the changes you want. With Venus spending so much time in Leo due to her retrograde it is very personal to you. Knowing what makes you happy and a deep core level will be the key out of the dungeon. Dig deeper than the superficial answers of more money or a better relationship. How would having more money bring greater peace and joy, how can you take responsibility in having more loving relationships?

Virgo: (August 23-September 22)
What your astrologer would say is Step back from the bustle of your life and ease into a relaxed mode. This month will bring you opportunities for service. Acknowledge that life is good and dismiss all the negativity that you could focus on; instead see the beauty and love in everything around you. New groups of spiritual friends and classes and workshops will become a major part of your life focus now. Your true job will turn towards self growth and spiritual development. Although you may not feel deserving to spend money and time on spiritual pursuits that don’t derive immediate practical value, it is necessary for your ultimate purpose. The sun enters into Virgo marking a shift towards your new year. Saturn will be in Virgo shortly, it is essential to eliminate all negative habits that harm your body and to reach to your inner core of what your high self came onto the planet to accomplish and take action in that direction.

Libra: (September – October 23)

Scorpio: (October 24-Noverber 21)
What your astrologer would say is Step back from drama, self created or created by others and life will be more rewarding. Individuals may start to challenge you, get ready to shift your focus and energy to what you want instead of what you don’t want. It is a subtle difference but internally and esoterically it is a huge difference. Your power to draw into your life what you are thinking about is magnified this month, so pay attention. You may start to feel disillusioned about your career, rethink what you want to create for yourself then take action. Take time this new moon on the 4th to visualize your ideal life especially in regards to career. You may be attracted to a co-worker; a clandestine relationship may sound intriguing but may get out of control.

Sagittarius: (November 22- December 21)
Your Astrologer suggests Your desire to experience more is heightened this month. Check out a university or training program that can support your future goals. Getting the money to finance your ventures can be tricky but possible. You are not in the mood to be restricted and an insecure friend will get an earful if they start to cling to you or act jealous of your outgoing nature that naturally connects with others. It is a great time to get back to your diet and exercise routine; clear out the mess in your living space and create room for a fresh new start. Debt from past travel excursions can come back to haunt you, you need to get away but keep it within your budget.
Capricorn: (December 22- January 19)
Your Astrologer suggests Check out your finances, pay down your credit cards and outstanding balances so you can have a secure foundation to embark on a new goal. Spend quality time with your lover to get a sense of where the relationship is going. Don’t rush into anything quicker than what you are comfortable with. It is time to dump the restrictions of inner voice telling you what you should do, what you have to do, and what you are supposed to be accomplishing. Whose voice is that anyway? Starting in the middle of the month you can be the hero at work, stepping in and taking the responsibility to get the job done.

Aquarius: (January 20 – February 18)
Your Astrologer suggests Just when you thought you had a handle on everything life throws you a curve ball to change it all. It can be so frustrating when you expect to have all of the answers, all of the time, and all of them being correct. Give yourself a break: step back to analyze the situation then jump back in and make the changes you want. The fastest solution is letting go of the need to know how it is going to turn out and trust that something great will come out of it. Your lover can be going through changes that will alter the dynamic of your relationship. There is much energy shifting between what you want versus what others want. So the question is how can you have what you want in life and still be in relationship with others who are on different paths and think different?

Pisces: (February 19 – March 20)
What your astrologer would say Trouble at work may have you feeling that you are a victim of circumstances. It may be a message for you to change how you are dealing with your coworkers or even a message to change your place of employment. Venus is retrograde in your house of partnerships. Those near and dear to you may seem unreliable and frustrated in their own world and problems. Give them space to figure out what they need and in September you will have the chance to have an honest conversation about what needs to change. The new moon is emphasizing issues around your health and well being. You may find foods and beverage that you have had your whole life are causing hidden problems. The full moon eclipse will illuminate and inspire your passion to serve a deeper purpose.