Friday, July 31, 2009


Astrology for the non astrologer. Learn astrology and be your own astrologer.

The lazy days of summer are in August, when the sun moves through Leo until the 23rd. Think of the royalty from days gone by, strolling the grounds of their summer palace while planning the weekend party. This is the time of year to relax and enjoy, in agrarian times the labor of planting the fields was finished late spring, the weeding has been done, now is the time of waiting for the fruits and vegetables to ripen before the harvest begins. You are the queen/king of your life; what do you want to enjoy for the simple pleasure of the moment? How can you take time in between the labor of planting and time of harvesting? What in your life needs time to ripen and can you be in the moment of allowing it to happen? An astrologer looks at retrograde planets. We begin the month with 5 planets retrograde; when several planets are retrograde any projects take longer than usual to come to fruition. Venus begins her retrograde motion in Virgo and will continue to be retrograde the month of August. Everything we love and value is up for scrutiny, It is time to reflect on what brings us joy. Mercury enters Leo on the 4th, bringing out the ability to toot your own horn, good for the resume but may be unwelcome if overboard bragging at a pool party. Astrologers love Jupiter. Jupiter stations direct on the 6th, when a planet is stationed it has tremendous power, link into the power of Jupiter with a meditation and ceremony around all your outrageous dreams and wishes. Mars moves into Gemini on the 7th and Venus into Leo on the 8th. Mars in Gemini gives us the opportunity to take on more than one project. You may be bored with your exercise routine and need to expand the possibilities, or exercise while listening to learning tapes. An astrologer would say that Venus retrograde can indicate love problems. Venus retrograding back into Leo from Virgo is the collective thought, “well now that I know what I don’t want, what will light me up and make me excited?” The new moon on the 12th is asking us to look closely at our world, look through the lies, and see what we know on a deep level is lurking but in our innocence and desire to have things the same would rather ignore. Friends you can count on become precious. Mercury zips into its own domain of Virgo on the 19th, giving more ease of accessing ideas, learning, and planning. The Sun moves into Virgo 8:08am EDT on the 23rd, time to start thinking about self development. The lunar eclipse on the 28th has Venus at the same degree as the Leo new moon, triggering news that uncovers financial difficulties in many companies that have been obscuring the truth. We may find the desire to change our thoughts and plans quickly and seek a new path of truth. This eclipse emphasizes service, compassion and devotion. How can you have more compassion and how will service towards a cause you believe in stretch you into reaching your own inner greatness?

Astrology for Aries: (March 21- April 19)
Your Astrologer says: Balancing work and play will be a tough one. Resentment or frustration may creep in at your job. Do you still enjoy your work? Are you being challenged? Have you become complacent about your job and find it a bother to make the changes you know would be good for you? Start exploring different possibilities for your future that would create a career that you would be happy and excited to be at every day. Friends that are meant to disappear out of your life could do so this month, they can never be replaced but new people will fill the void and offer a different way of completing you. Be patient with your love life, your romantic interest could be complicated and may not be the way you want it or expect it to be.
Taurus: (April 20- May 20)
Your Astrologer suggests that the energy that has been blocking your efforts is about to be released. If you have taken the time to lay the ground work for your new beginnings all will go well. Even though you may resist what you know you need to do, find your inner strength and power and do what will make you healthier, stronger, and more resilient to the unpredictable whims of the economy and job market. If you are over extended in your expenses, cut back. You may find problems with your home, whether financing, repairs, family or roommate. Take focused action on resolving the problem and what will bring peace and afterwards hand it over to spirit.
Gemini: (May 21-June 21)
What your astrologer would say is with Mars moving into your sign you will want what you want when you want it! Everyone else may be hanging out doing nothing but you will be best if you are on the move. Stay focused while driving, a distraction can result in a ticket from an ignored traffic signal. Speaking of signals, your lively communications and run ins with old friends and lovers may send out “I might be interested, tell me what you have to offer” signals. You could be tempted to over commit to friends and co workers, then find creative reasons why you cant do what you had hoped to. This is resolved by pulling out your calendar in the beginning of the month and seeing how many hours you want to donate before you even step out of the house or pick up the phone.
Cancer: (June 22- July 22)
Your Astrologer says: Unexpected expenses relating to family or home could unsettle you. Don’t worry; it will all work out in the long run. You may find your thoughts drifting towards what you can do to be happier. Effort in your spiritual development has high rewards this month. More layers of the old you fall away and underneath shines a being that is safe, secure, and trusts the universe and inner wisdom to bring everything you need on time. A lecture or workshop will capture your attention towards the end of the month, it is something that will enforce what you already know and add to your spiritual growth. Choose foods wisely, your body will be sensitive to food and drink that clogs you up and makes you sluggish.
Leo: (July 23- August 22)
Your Astrologer suggests It is the month that the king and queens of the zodiac to strut their stuff. Put on those party clothes and have a good time. The new moon in Leo on August 12th is your official collective birthday. With Saturn almost out of your sign this new moon is extra important to get out your treasure map and visualize what you want to create for your new life. Meditate on your life and acknowledge and give gratitude for what you want to keep, let go of what no longer fits, and see what you need to do to make the changes you want. With Venus spending so much time in Leo due to her retrograde it is very personal to you. Knowing what makes you happy and a deep core level will be the key out of the dungeon. Dig deeper than the superficial answers of more money or a better relationship. How would having more money bring greater peace and joy, how can you take responsibility in having more loving relationships?

Virgo: (August 23-September 22)
What your astrologer would say is Step back from the bustle of your life and ease into a relaxed mode. This month will bring you opportunities for service. Acknowledge that life is good and dismiss all the negativity that you could focus on; instead see the beauty and love in everything around you. New groups of spiritual friends and classes and workshops will become a major part of your life focus now. Your true job will turn towards self growth and spiritual development. Although you may not feel deserving to spend money and time on spiritual pursuits that don’t derive immediate practical value, it is necessary for your ultimate purpose. The sun enters into Virgo marking a shift towards your new year. Saturn will be in Virgo shortly, it is essential to eliminate all negative habits that harm your body and to reach to your inner core of what your high self came onto the planet to accomplish and take action in that direction.

Libra: (September – October 23)

Scorpio: (October 24-Noverber 21)
What your astrologer would say is Step back from drama, self created or created by others and life will be more rewarding. Individuals may start to challenge you, get ready to shift your focus and energy to what you want instead of what you don’t want. It is a subtle difference but internally and esoterically it is a huge difference. Your power to draw into your life what you are thinking about is magnified this month, so pay attention. You may start to feel disillusioned about your career, rethink what you want to create for yourself then take action. Take time this new moon on the 4th to visualize your ideal life especially in regards to career. You may be attracted to a co-worker; a clandestine relationship may sound intriguing but may get out of control.

Sagittarius: (November 22- December 21)
Your Astrologer suggests Your desire to experience more is heightened this month. Check out a university or training program that can support your future goals. Getting the money to finance your ventures can be tricky but possible. You are not in the mood to be restricted and an insecure friend will get an earful if they start to cling to you or act jealous of your outgoing nature that naturally connects with others. It is a great time to get back to your diet and exercise routine; clear out the mess in your living space and create room for a fresh new start. Debt from past travel excursions can come back to haunt you, you need to get away but keep it within your budget.
Capricorn: (December 22- January 19)
Your Astrologer suggests Check out your finances, pay down your credit cards and outstanding balances so you can have a secure foundation to embark on a new goal. Spend quality time with your lover to get a sense of where the relationship is going. Don’t rush into anything quicker than what you are comfortable with. It is time to dump the restrictions of inner voice telling you what you should do, what you have to do, and what you are supposed to be accomplishing. Whose voice is that anyway? Starting in the middle of the month you can be the hero at work, stepping in and taking the responsibility to get the job done.

Aquarius: (January 20 – February 18)
Your Astrologer suggests Just when you thought you had a handle on everything life throws you a curve ball to change it all. It can be so frustrating when you expect to have all of the answers, all of the time, and all of them being correct. Give yourself a break: step back to analyze the situation then jump back in and make the changes you want. The fastest solution is letting go of the need to know how it is going to turn out and trust that something great will come out of it. Your lover can be going through changes that will alter the dynamic of your relationship. There is much energy shifting between what you want versus what others want. So the question is how can you have what you want in life and still be in relationship with others who are on different paths and think different?

Pisces: (February 19 – March 20)
What your astrologer would say Trouble at work may have you feeling that you are a victim of circumstances. It may be a message for you to change how you are dealing with your coworkers or even a message to change your place of employment. Venus is retrograde in your house of partnerships. Those near and dear to you may seem unreliable and frustrated in their own world and problems. Give them space to figure out what they need and in September you will have the chance to have an honest conversation about what needs to change. The new moon is emphasizing issues around your health and well being. You may find foods and beverage that you have had your whole life are causing hidden problems. The full moon eclipse will illuminate and inspire your passion to serve a deeper purpose.