Monday, October 4, 2010

Professional Astrologer Looks At Planetary Alighments

Hi Thanks for stopping by-
here are a few thoughts on what is happening- first who am I? I am a professional astrologer I have been providing free info and I do one on one professional astrology consultations for a reasonable fee. If you want to know how to do your own chart I send out free astro info that you can follow the movements of the planets and chart your own course of action.

Astrology Forecast For Zodiac Signs October 2010

Every October the qualities of Libra; fairness, relationships, beauty and art come to the surface of consciousness to be thought about and expressed in our lives. This October begins with an exact Sun Saturn conjunction only a few hours before the calendar moves to October. The Sun moves to conjoin with Saturn only once a year. It is a time that the universe is asking us to think about what we really need to do. The essence of the Sun represents the totality of life. After all, everything revolves around the Sun. When the Sun aligns with Saturn, the serious planet that pushes us towards accountability and responsibility this vibe wants us to take an action in our life that we know is good for us and true to what we want to accomplish while this lifetime.

Mercury, the planet of communication moves into Libra on Sunday the 3rd, this shifts conversations to what is fair and kind. The same day there is a new Venus Mars conjunction- again emphasizing new beginnings for relationships. In steamy sexy Scorpio there will be a pull to bring passion back into your love life. ( the shadow of this energy is power struggles) .

The new moon in Libra is on Thursday the 7th. The Libra new moon is important to balance relationships; not only love relationships but also people that you need to work with or partner with in different ways.

Hours after the new moon Venus, Venus will be moving retrograde in Scorpio. This energy is highlighting what the universe has been asking us to pay attention to since Saturn moved into Libra; our relationships. If you have not been honest with yourself about the state of your relationships then the Venus retrograde in Scorpio will force an issue to be addressed. Are there control issues in your relationship? Do you try to control your lover? Are you bossy and domineering? Are you jealous? Do you trust your lover? If these feelings have infiltrated your relationship then problems can arise to be addressed.

Any inner planet retrograde is a time to step back and take a look at the area of life that the planet has ruler ship over. With Venus it is about what we love and value.
Now is the time to reflect on what is important to you. What do you still love to do and are you making the effort to keep it alive in your life? If you love to be with friends, are you making an effort to connect with them? What do you love? Sports? Theatre? Travel? Dancing? There are always reasons that can get in the way of what we love, not enough time, not enough money etc- but this energy is asking us to honor what we say we love buy putting some intention towards our object of affection. Perhaps you love to dive, and it isn’t reasonable to take off to the Cayman Islands, but how can you make an intention that gives the love you have for diving energy to keep it alive? Can you open a savings account and put $20 bucks towards your next trip? This will shift the energy so what is in the way of what you love shifts.

The full moon on Friday the 22nd in Aries will give us a hint of how we are doing in our love life. You will see how much more needs to be balanced to have the joy you desire in your relationships. The sun shifts into Scorpio Saturday the 23rd- the sign that Venus is hanging out in during her retrograde, intuition increases.

A Professional astrologer giving professional astrology consultations would tell you what the universe is asking of you according to your own personal astrology chart readings.

What the universe is asking of you…

ARIES- Pay attention to your relationships and spend a few extra minutes going over checking account and credit card statements to catch potential errors
TAURUS- Get back to your health routine. Join a gym, take a class, go on a hike. Make the effort to establish healthy routines. Begin a new tradition with someone you care about.
GEMINI- Bring romance and fun back into your world. Plan a date, something that cheers up the routine of life. Spend time being a kid again.
CANCER- Start a new project around your home and have it be the way you really like it. Revelations around family can come out. If you have been meaning to start a hobby or get back to one, now is the time.
LEO- Find a new way to communicate with individuals who just don’t understand you. Take responsibility for any communication that has gone sour. Resolve power struggles in home and family with fairness.
VIRGO- Take responsibility for your financial future. It is time for a new start around money and eradicate negative beliefs about money. Develop a prosperity consciousness. Communication with siblings can be misunderstood. Be clear on your intention before sharing your thoughts.
LIBRA- Be true to what your heart and soul knows is right for you. Eliminate power struggles around money, even or especially when the power struggle is an internal struggle within.
SCORPIO- Let go of what is holding you back in life. Where are you your own worst enemy? What do you do that you know is not best for you? Make the change. Pay attention to what is under your power to control and let go of the frustration and anger over that which you have no control.
SAGITTARIUS- Take a close look at who are your friends and who is along for the ride and not really who you want on the journey. Secrets can backfire, do you feel you need to stretch the truth to be accepted or get what you want? Integrity is something no one can take away from you.
CAPRICORN- With Saturn, your Suns ruler, conjunct the Libra sun you really can use a good look at your career and the direction that it is going in. What is working and what isn’t? Nothing last forever, is your career dying or does it have the ability to sustain you for years to come? Work the friendships and network like crazy.
AQUARIUS- How much different would you life be if you let go of negative beliefs or thought patterns that rumble in your mind that bring no benefit? Be conscious of your thought patterns and watch the amazing transformation from shifting negative beliefs.
PISCES- Jupiter is still in your sign showing the way of protection and blessings. A watchful eye on accounts is in order, could be time to rework some credit cards or bank accounts. Plans for the holidays may be in the conversation with your lover already! Compromise may be necessary.

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